Saturday 10 February 2018


“Love for the country” , is the common description that we normally define patriotism with. But if I were to hold each thread of the word patriotism and define the nuances of the word this how it would be:

“The feeling that holds our hearts and swells it with pride; the feeling that grips our heart mind and soul  and gives us a feel of belonging; The feeling that makes you possessive and shout with joy- saying IT’s MINE; The feeling that makes you want to lie on this earth and embrace in its warmth; The absolute feeling of heaven that you get engulfed in a culture so rich and a beauty so pure; The feeling that says that no land can ever compare to beauty, richness  as ours; The extreme feeling to rip apart any evil that creeps in to harm what is ,by birth OURS.!- These feelings are what I strongly feel patriotism is about”

Patriotism is not just about loving and dying for mother nation. The feeling to see our nation at the top of world radar should be seeded in our minds. I may sound a little too emotional by giving such bizarre description for patriotism. The world calls us Indians as ‘Emotional Fools’. I do not wish to differ. Yes! we are emotional fools! For a nation who has been ruled by foreigners for many years, first the Mughals, then the British, has made us vulnerable towards our motherland. We feel protective and possessive for our mother who has been time and again exploited by greedy vultures. These greedy vultures have robbed, looted and left us burning to ashes. For a country that accounted to 25% of the world's industrial output in 1750, declined to 2% of the world's industrial output in 1900.

Friends, my aim to write on patriotism is not just to rant about how, we poor Indians were exploited over the time. NO. My point is of painting India as an idol of ‘Phoenix’, a bird that has risen from ashes. You may argue that we are still a developing nation even after 70 years of independence. But do not forget the fact that along with development we have fought the evils of poverty, rising population, corruption, illiteracy and social evils like dowry, female feticide etc. So as responsible Indians what is our primary responsibility, what should we as individuals do to make a Better India?
Well according to me, we just need to follow 2 points:

1.       Cleanliness
2.       Education

Let us talk about these two points in detail:


1.        Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our nation, has quoted beautifully on cleanliness; “When there is both inner and outer cleanliness, it approaches Godliness”. Here he refers not only to personal hygiene, but to the purity in words, thought and approach, purity in everything in and around you. For only a clean environment gives way to clean thoughts and clean deeds. Just as we would not like our houses to be filled with dirt and filth, why not use the same approach towards the environment too. A society prospers only when everyone contributes towards the growth. Here are a few pointers that I would suggest each of us to follow:
-          Promote recycling of waste in your buildings/Society. I came across this  amazing article where in a housing society manages its own waste. If each one of us takes this step, we will stop burdening our already overloaded dumping grounds.
-          Stop littering around in public areas and stop others also from doing so.
-          Go Green. Venture in projects that promote planting of trees in surrounding. Strongly oppose cutting down of trees in your locality
-          If the government servant in your area is corrupt, vote for change. Always remember the saying, “Government is of the people, for the people and by the people”.
-          Report crimes that you see around you.
-          Do not encourage the social evils of dowry, briberies, caste system etc. For a better society, we should eradicate such evils. When every citizen honestly works towards upliftment of India, we shall be a Developed Country


2.      We often look out for investment opportunities to increase our wealth. Every poor person will have some sort of savings for themselves. But I strongly believe that investment in education is the best that you can gift yourself. For it is:
-          Not driven by market fluctuations
-          Cannot be stolen from you
-          Returns will continue for lifetime
            Education is your most precious wealth. It gives clarity of thoughts. It enables you to pave your way in the world and be in line with the latest technology. Education helps you recognize your potential and channelize it in right direction. The networking formed through peers and teachers will form a strong base for future success.
Use your education to the benefit of society. Join NGOs that educate the poor. Instead of giving donations in form of money, food clothing, enable the poor to earn their own livelihood. Only right education can empower them. Adopt the education for a child. Invest weekends going to the needy and educating them. Impart your knowledge around. For knowledge is such wealth, the more your spread, the greater returns you get. Not only monetary returns, but returns in form of respect, happiness and inner peace.

So, to sum it up, patriotism is about “Being the change that you want to see”. Uplift your society and do your bit. Do not ever ask the question, “What has the nation done for me?”, always ask, “What have I done for the Nation”.

With that I take your leave. DO leave your comments! They mean a lot!


Thursday 18 January 2018

My Country, My People,My Devotion

'INDIA', a land of heritage, culture and tradition. A land that has the roots for the origin of art, music,education and much more. A country that was termed a "Sone Ki Chidiya" i.e. a "Golden Bird" by all who visited it. India was indeed a treasure house that stored and traded riches beyond our imagination

Yes! I do feel privileged to be born in a country so great! A country that has instilled firm patriotism in my heart from childhood. A land that I can call truly mine. For home is a place where you can always come back to, no matter how bruised and battered you are. Home is a place where inspite of all the chastising and admonishment, there is always warmth and love in abundance. India is truly a beautiful home for all of us Indians. The example of Kulbhushan Jadhav proves that we take care of whats ours..!

I often come across people who strongly believe , that Britishers divided our country by their so called "Divide and Rule" policy. I do not deny. They might have succeeded in making provincial division throughout our country. But neither should we forget the fact that our iron man, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, succeeded in bringing together all 562 princely states and establish One India.Britishers may have taken around 150 years to divide India. But Patel unified them in not more than 2 years.

Time and again we as a nation have proved that we stand together for a noble cause. Be it the 2014 election majority or the Gang rape Violence, we have time and again proved that we are one nation. So who says we are divided? If Britishers could not divide us in 150 years, then small evils like corruption, politics, minority issues will never divide us.

We are proud to belong to a nation that has so much of diversity and yet there is an underlying and strong unity..!

After all, as our pledge says, My Country, My People and "We Indians definitely love our country". Its the essence of who we are !

  True Indian,
